The venue - O2 ABC, Glasgow
The people - Myself, DG, PF and LK
First a background:
I have been a fan of Panic! at the Disco from about the age of 12, so at this point around 8 years. And those have been 8 of my formative years and Panic! at the Disco have always been there. They even made me friends with the aforementioned LK (we were in the changing rooms before gym class and since I was wearing pin-stripe trousers she and RH started singing 'when you wear black slacks with insinuating off-white pin-stripes' - thus a friendship was born)and it was PF who introduced me to them back in my first year of high school. I first saw them when they toured for Pretty Odd in 2008, at that point I was 16. It was a nightmare crowd and I ended up getting pulled out of the second row (standing) by a Bouncer as I almost fainted. But it was AMAZING!
Now onto Monday:
PF bought me a ticket when they first went on sale and we all highly anticipated the 2nd May. On the day itself we gathered and got in line. We ended up half way up one of Glasgow's infamous hills, so steep that my phone started to roll down it. PF was going to meet the band so he left us to go do that. This created a small problem which stressed us out immensely. PF had the booking confirmations on his phone and we were gradually moving up the line. The woman at the ticket desk wouldn't give him the tickets. So we all went down to see what was happening as she had no record of our booking :S. Eventually we found the right information and in we went. Due to this we had no way of getting to the barrier but we had an excellent view, almost heads on to the stage and the band.
The support band:
The support band were not my cup of tea at all. The were called 'The Love Letters' and were a semi-punk/rock band from 'Lahn-dan'. They were very much a cliché of their genre and to be blunt they just did not fit with the style of Panic! at the Disco. I dare say if they had been supporting another band then I may have had better things to say.
Panic! at the Disco:
Panic! at the Disco did about an hour to an hour and a half set. Their opening song was, appropriately enough, Ready to Go!. Interestingly, even though the band has lost two of its original members they played a lot of old stuff from their albums A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd. My memory of exactly each song they played has been lost to the joy I felt seeing them on stage again. His voice was just as good/if not better live than it is on the CD's. It's easy to forget, in this day and age, just how talented these people are and Brendon Urie is proof.
Half way through Brendon's microphone broke and this was when he really shone. Of course his voice is marvellous and he is a good looking man but when he had to think on his feet and entertain a crowd he was amazing. They started to sing Fat Bottomed Girls, and with his powerful voice this was one of my highlights of the night - I love the kind of things that can only happen in a live performance.
Highlights for me:
Nearly Witches, the improv when there was technical difficulties,
I managed to get a couple of videos but they are all pretty poor quality...(for which I apologise)
Here is Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have & Trade Mistakes
And their cover of I Am Human by the Smiths
If you ever have the opportunity, this is a band to see live.
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