Fanboys and Fangirls. Two endangered species currently on the rise. With the advent of shows such as the above mentioned Supernatural, fangirls are becoming the menace of every good fan out there. Girls who just happen to be fans are getting tarred with the same brush. I am one of those girls.
I would describe myself as a fanboy despite being a female. To me it is a matter of outlook and how you express the affection you have for a certain show/movie/comic. A fanboy is someone who appreciates the show and gets engrossed in the mythology as well as being able to recall entire episodes word for word at the drop of a hat. We are often critical of shows, but that shows our love as we feel deeply the cutting knife of a slip in cannon. We want our shows to be the perfect entities that we imagine them to be. But we are also realists and know that this won't happen. George did make those prequels...
Those who go to far in the love of a show aren't fanboys despite the mass media hauling out those who dress as Klingons to work as the stereotype. They are just eejits who bring down the name of the fandom for all the other fanboys.
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Fangirls are an entirely different species. The giggling school-girls and middle aged women who fawn over actors and characters as though they have a passionate love affair with them are, well lets be brutally honest, a disgrace. A fangirl is someone who writes, reads and re-enacts fan-fic. I must admit I have done two of the above and also admit that that is where my hate lies for the fangirl. I have the excuse of only being a teenager...and that a certain Misha Collins is a beautiful man. But I would never describe myself as a fangirl. The typical fangirl is a young woman around 16-25, who uses the word "squee" to describe the emotions that are inside her over a piece of work/actor/character. They are an irritant to fans because they often do not know or fully appreciate the show/movie and only watch because of an actor. Twilight fans are possibly the shining example of the horribleness of a fangirl. Twimums are disgusting, madly in love with children half their age.
To conclude...after my rant...I am a fanboy...with a touch of fangirl...not too much, just a dash...I hope I have the balance correct...
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