@katherineee__ is being very weird right now.... #justsaying
@aliasecosse your just jealous cos your not as cool as me #justsaying. ;)
@katherineee__ your as cool as a cucumber whereas i'm as cool as an icelolly - ergo I'm cooler than you ;) #justsaying
@aliasecosse no no no no no. WHATS COOLER THAN BEING COOL? ICE COLD!. and thats me. ;) #justsaying
@katherineee__ BRR its cold in here! There must be some toros in the atmosphere.. and since I speak Spanish...well I'm 10x cooler that you
@aliasecosse LO SIENTO? mate... hola, me llamo katherine. ;) mi hermana es muy loca.
@katherineee__ You've got a heid the size of a planet. I mean it has its own orbit. If I threw my phone it'd be caught in your gravity
@aliasecosse mate....MATE. WHATS THE PWOBLEM?
@katherineee__ I am Pizza Pooch...hear me roar! Are you ready to face the way of the warrior?
@aliasecosse your a CREEEP. your a WEIRDO. #justsaying.
@katherineee__ You are clicking?! Like seriously?! I feel like I'm in a horror film and your about to eat me....
I am now petrified that you are going to eat me... @katherineee__
@aliasecosse HERES JONNY. no wait. it WAGNER. no wait.. it VAGNER LOUIS.
@katherineee__ you just like Alfred...oh wait I mean your just like ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER
@aliasecosse well.. clearly your just like a GRUFFALO. #BOOM
@katherineee__ I think I'm done....just like your comebacks ;)
@aliasecosse so i win then? I AM THE CHAMPION MY FRIEND. your just a fat looser with body oder. your tacky and i HATE YOU. ;)
@katherineee__ Remember I know lots of things about you....Heffalump
@aliasecosse odour* loser* yea. i blame this keyboard.
@katherineee__ *tut tut* bad spellings... EPIC FAIL
@aliasecosse *tut tut* YOUR FACE. #epicfail
@katherineee__ I really don't want this to descend into YER MAW...since its the same person for us both...poor woman having you as a kid
@katherineee__ I STOLE YOUR CHAIR!!!
@aliasecosse AWKWARD...i got it back. I WIN AGAIN *happy dance*
@katherineee__ just cause this is you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2hjFNO1xQQ&feature=related
@aliasecosse your just jealous that you dont have my owl powers.
@katherineee__ But I'm a marmoset...The power of the marmoset compells you
@aliasecosse you do not have these powers that you speak of.
@katherineee__ I am not the droid you're looking for. I am a Terminator sent back in time to defeat Sarah Conner. But I'll get you too
@aliasecosse HASTA LA VISTA...MARY ANN. *shoots mary ann with ray gun*
@katherineee__ You have now left for a shower. That means I win by default. SCORE!!!
@aliasecosse mate. like naw. im still here...still winning. #WINNING.
@katherineee__ your face is worse than the SNP #justsaying
@aliasecosse your face is worse than the conservatives. #BURN
@katherineee__ the argument is less effective when I have to correct your tweets before sending #justsaying #burn
@aliasecosse your argument is less effective than mine. yea. thats right. walk away in shame.
@katherineee__ There are 9 photos of Taylor Lautner on your wall. 8 of One Direction. I win automatically...:D
@aliasecosse you fail. theres only five of one direction. i win. AGAIN.
@aliasecosse OKAY you win.
@katherineee__ Your password has been changed due to the fact that I win :)
@aliasecosse no. you dont win. TWAPING DOESNT COUNT. also you didnt change my password. therefore YOU FAIL.
At least @katherineee__ I don't play the flute!!!
@aliasecosse atleast i dont play the trumpet. BRING ON THE THE TRUMPETS. how about NAW.
@katherineee__ My instrument breaks down biblical walls. Yours just breaks my heart and ear drums
@aliasecosse at least im not rebecca black. REBECCA Y U SING ABOUT FRIDAY? and yea thats right you are now rebecca black.
@katherineee__ At least I'm still not you!!! #oohburn #boom #justsaying
@aliasecosse your comebacks are like that of a 8 year old ned. #oohburn! WHATEVAA MAJOR LOSER.
@aliasecosse I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I? yea doesnt make sense but STILL. NANANANANA. i win. :)
@aliasecosse thats sooo primary 5.
@katherineee__ Weeja no canna winja over me causa ima ninja
@aliasecosse fail. mcalindish does not translate to twitter.
We conceeded in the end that it was a draw....this time...
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