Thursday, May 12, 2011

Writer's Block: Family matters

Ever since I was a little child I have always wanted an older brother. I am the eldest of two and I love my sister to pieces, even though she can be a right pain. We always fight but it dissolves and a few hours later we are laughing and chatting like best mates again.
I have a ton of big cousins, mainly boys and I when I was watching "My Family" I realised I wanted a brother - I even asked my mum to adopt one.
I would love to have a big brother watching out for me and acting daft, giving me advice etc. He could sort out my problems in a jiff if I needed him to.

My ideal would be to have a set up like the Weasely's from Harry Potter. I would love to have all those big brothers always there for me and always up for a laugh.
You could get advice from Percy - before he became an eejit. Fred and George would always cheer you up if you were feeling low. Ron would guard you from boys haha and always cause awkwardness :)

But alas I don't have a brother.
And I won't.

But I do have a sister - and since she doesn't read this I can say that she is really a great sister and I wouldn't swap her for the world


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