Thursday, May 12, 2011

100 Facts About Me - from my Twitter

1. My name is Mary Ann E McAlinden
2. The E stands for Elizabeth, after my dads mum and the Mary Ann was my mum's mum's name
3. I am 19 years old and I do not want to turn 20 in September
4. I have a sister who oftentimes annoys me but we are very close
5. I attend the University of Glasgow where I study English Literature and Hispanic Studies
6. I love being Scottish even if I would like to live in another country when I'm older
7. I get obsessed with TV shows quite easily and if I start watching something then I have to watch it all
8. My favourite shows at the moment are Supernatural, Chuck and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but these change daily
9. I love reading. I usually have at least one book with me and once again if I start reading something I have to finish
10. I have played the trumpet for nearly 12 years and I still love playing it.
11. My trumpet is called Goldie
12. I also play the keyboard and the tin whistle. My whistle is called Bob
13. I name most inanimate objects.
14. My pendrives are called Toby and Penelope. They are in a long term relationship
15. I believe that animals and birds talk to each other in the same ways humans do. This is partly Disney's fault
16. My favourite film is The Lion King. I cry the whole way through because I love it so much it actually hurts my heart
17. I finish 2nd year of University on Friday :O:O:O
18. I have very narrow feet
19. My sister has a poster wall of 'hot guys'. I have a poster wall of sci-fi shows
20. If I had to pick a team then I support Celtic football club
21. My favourite colour is Cobalt Blue. Its just so bright and shiny
22. I love the Spanish language and enjoy learning it. I go away to Spain for nine months in October and I can't wait :D
23. I have a ridiculous amount of full cousins. There are over 30.
24. My bookshelves are in alphabetical order as are my dvds
25. I am a tad socially awkward but working on it :)
26. I used to sleep with a beanie baby dog called Nanook when I was little
27. This is one of my lucky numbers as I was born on the 27th of September 1991
28. I used to be petrified of the dark but now I'm ok with it
29. I live on a farm in the countryside. The village where I stay is a bit dire but I like the woods at my house
30. One of my closest friends is @tendercuriosity.
31. It very much excites me to play with a harmon 'wa-wah' mute. Tis awesome
32. My taste in music is pretty random. I love folk music from across the world as well as Jazz, Rock and Pop.
33. My bedroom in my old house used to be aqua marine and it was my underwater cove. It relaxed me.
34. Even though my sister is two years younger than me and doesnt look all that similar we are sometime mistaken for twins
35. I have a bulletin from Church on my wall because the artist made Jesus look Japanese
36. If an actor on TV does something I don't like then I fall out with them. Case in point James Cordon
37. I have only ever failed one exam. It was a prelim for Higher Business Management and the teacher didn't teach us the course
38. I have more male friends than female ones
39. I nearly always wear the bracelet my Great Aunt Jeanie got me for my 18th birthday.
40. I am usually very stressed out. I don't think its good for me
41. I went to primary and high school with six of my full cousins. One of whom was in the same class as me.
42. Is another of my favourite numbers. I mean its The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. What's not to love?
43. Despite doing English, I am a pretty bad speller.
44. I once got on the wrong train and ended up far from home and embarrassed
45. I get annoyed when people mistake England for the UK and don't acknowledge the rest of us. We are 4 countries, please remember!
46. I am a sucker for unrequited love stories. Its why I love Casteil, Spike etc.
47. If you talk in a Russian accent then I will love you. For example Misha Collins and Anton Yelchin
48. Socks are my favourite clothing items. I always wear socks even over tights. They will usually be odd but coordinated
49. I am addicted to Diet Coke
50. I am an inch taller than Daniel Radcliffe who is 5'4" and a half and I am 5'5" and a half
51. My reaction to Disney is one of adoring love. I felt exactly like the small child in the advert the entire time
52. I sometimes have entire conversations in my head when I am too shy to say anything to the other person
53. I only ever feel properly human when I am with a group of people.
54. On Friday I had to do cherography while playing Soul Bossa Nova this is a video of that
55. I have never been more embarrassed
56. I also love characters who are isolated and or in a great amount of pain. E.g. Casteil, Spock (new movie version)
57. I want to visit almost every country in the world, especially Eastern Europe and South America.
58. I still do not know what I want to do when I graduate :S
59. One of my biggest regrets was quitting ballet dancing when I was 4 because the uniform was pink, I hate pink, but like ballet
60. I plan on visiting every US state at some point
61. I have a very overactive imagination which leads me to be terrified of a lot of things
62. I am double jointed in all my fingers
63. I wish I had more confidence and belief in myself
64. I love going to the zoo. The closest one is in Edinburgh. My family used to be season-ticket holders for Glasgow zoo before it shut
65. I can't wait to see Panic! at the disco again in May
66. My favourite word is 'eejit' it really carries all the sentiment it needs to.
67. The last time I had holidays from Uni I got back into Pokemon and also Heartbeat - Yorkshire 1950s based police show.
68. I identify myself as a fanboy for most of the TV shows I watch. I am only a fangirl for Supernatural
69. I am still single. I reckon boys just don't see me as someone to date, just as someone to be friends with.
70. Babies scare me but my cousins children are awesome.
71. My eldest cousin is in their 40's, my youngest is 13. The eldest of the children is 12 and the youngest is 1ish
72. Also one of my favourite numbers. The last time I had an exam I sat at this number and got an A
73. I have a picture of 'The Scream' on my wall as my sister @katherineee__ does the same pose
74. I made my First Communion on 3rd June 2000 along with my cousin Chris. We had Costco cake
75. I am Catholic. But I don't agree with everything my Church believes.
76. I think its very important to learn another language to increase understanding of other cultures
77. I speak/understand Spanish (almost fluently), read French (intermediate level) as well as English and Scots
78. I had a plan when I was younger to learn 7 modern languages by the time I was 21. I didn't work but I'm endeavouring to learn Russian
79. I had pepperoni pizza for dinner
80. I hated but loved school. Loved the learning and I had some awesome teachers. Hated most of the people
81. I count it as a good day when it doesn't end in tears. It is even better when I don't have a headache.
82. I have had a stress headache almost every day for nearly two years
83. My favourite subjects at school were English, Geography and Music
84. I drink about 4 litres of water a day.
85. I rarely wear make-up
86. The last film I saw in the cinema was Paul. The last I watched on DVD was O Brother Where Art Thou
87. One of the earliest books I remember reading was Flat Stanley when I was 4. I remember reading words out of the paper when I was 2/3
88. I am deathly allergic to shellfish. I once ate the tiniest bit of a prawn and had an extreme allergic reaction
89. I am scared of feet
90. I have lower than average blood pressure meaning I am prone to fainting
91. I once fainted in a classroom and banged my head off of two desks and a filing cabinet. I woke up on the opposite side of the room
92. Wednesdays used to be my favourite day of the week. It was when I'd see all my friends and then go to Big Band.
93. I really hope I get a placement near Seville, or at least in Andalucia for my year abroad. I really want to visit that region
94. I have only met my Australian cousins once but I still miss them
95. I know I'm going to be really bummed out when Uni finishes.
96. I know many embarrassing things about some of my friends
97. My ambition in life is to be warm
98. My dad causes most of the stress in my life.
99. I usually have weird dreams. I sometimes even dream the future, I once dreamt I was learning 'ser' before I started learning Spanish.
100. My brain is filled with useless trivia associated with tv, films and general knowledge. If only it was relevant

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