Book Title: Black Moon
Author: C.L.Bevill
Date Published: 2010
Length: 88 pages
Format Read: Kindle E-Book
Price: Free
Rating: 1 out of 5
Black Moon is the story of Donavon, a werecat of the Cat Clan, and his rescue of Isabella, the uncommon librarian from his enemies the Werewolf Clan.
This story is very derivative of other recent genre novels and the naming of the central female character as Isabella is a nod to this. The plot is centred around two main characters who are described in a manner meant to be sensual but that left a lot to be desired. The two main characters pretty quickly fall into bed and this scene is described in graphic detail.
This book is the first in a trilogy and as such it does set up for the other two books with a very open ending.
I think that this book was value for money, heck it was free, and as a quick read its not too bad. It isn't great but it is what it is. If you want a Twilight/True Blood -esque book then you may as well go for this, but be prepared that it is lesser quality or you will find yourself disappointed.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Childhood Geekiness
This Weird-Al song was implanted in my brain at such a young age that whenever I hear the original my brain starts to sing this version.
I always knew that I was destined for geek-dom :)
FanBoy vs FanGirl
Fanboys and Fangirls. Two endangered species currently on the rise. With the advent of shows such as the above mentioned Supernatural, fangirls are becoming the menace of every good fan out there. Girls who just happen to be fans are getting tarred with the same brush. I am one of those girls.
I would describe myself as a fanboy despite being a female. To me it is a matter of outlook and how you express the affection you have for a certain show/movie/comic. A fanboy is someone who appreciates the show and gets engrossed in the mythology as well as being able to recall entire episodes word for word at the drop of a hat. We are often critical of shows, but that shows our love as we feel deeply the cutting knife of a slip in cannon. We want our shows to be the perfect entities that we imagine them to be. But we are also realists and know that this won't happen. George did make those prequels...
Those who go to far in the love of a show aren't fanboys despite the mass media hauling out those who dress as Klingons to work as the stereotype. They are just eejits who bring down the name of the fandom for all the other fanboys.
<img src="
Fangirls are an entirely different species. The giggling school-girls and middle aged women who fawn over actors and characters as though they have a passionate love affair with them are, well lets be brutally honest, a disgrace. A fangirl is someone who writes, reads and re-enacts fan-fic. I must admit I have done two of the above and also admit that that is where my hate lies for the fangirl. I have the excuse of only being a teenager...and that a certain Misha Collins is a beautiful man. But I would never describe myself as a fangirl. The typical fangirl is a young woman around 16-25, who uses the word "squee" to describe the emotions that are inside her over a piece of work/actor/character. They are an irritant to fans because they often do not know or fully appreciate the show/movie and only watch because of an actor. Twilight fans are possibly the shining example of the horribleness of a fangirl. Twimums are disgusting, madly in love with children half their age.
To conclude...after my rant...I am a fanboy...with a touch of fangirl...not too much, just a dash...I hope I have the balance correct...
Writer's Block: Sheldon and Penny 4ever!
Fan-fiction - I love to hate it! I'll admit to reading it, Supernatural fanfic, but I mainly read when I'm bored and I do agree that it allows for creative imaginations to further the story and to set up scenarios that will never be seen on the actual show - slash fic for example. But it does broach into the region of being too fan-girl for me.
Little twitter argument between two sisters :)
@katherineee__ is being very weird right now.... #justsaying
@aliasecosse your just jealous cos your not as cool as me #justsaying. ;)
@katherineee__ your as cool as a cucumber whereas i'm as cool as an icelolly - ergo I'm cooler than you ;) #justsaying
@aliasecosse no no no no no. WHATS COOLER THAN BEING COOL? ICE COLD!. and thats me. ;) #justsaying
@katherineee__ BRR its cold in here! There must be some toros in the atmosphere.. and since I speak Spanish...well I'm 10x cooler that you
@aliasecosse LO SIENTO? mate... hola, me llamo katherine. ;) mi hermana es muy loca.
@katherineee__ You've got a heid the size of a planet. I mean it has its own orbit. If I threw my phone it'd be caught in your gravity
@aliasecosse mate....MATE. WHATS THE PWOBLEM?
@katherineee__ I am Pizza Pooch...hear me roar! Are you ready to face the way of the warrior?
@aliasecosse your a CREEEP. your a WEIRDO. #justsaying.
@katherineee__ You are clicking?! Like seriously?! I feel like I'm in a horror film and your about to eat me....
I am now petrified that you are going to eat me... @katherineee__
@aliasecosse HERES JONNY. no wait. it WAGNER. no wait.. it VAGNER LOUIS.
@katherineee__ you just like Alfred...oh wait I mean your just like ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER
@aliasecosse well.. clearly your just like a GRUFFALO. #BOOM
@katherineee__ I think I'm done....just like your comebacks ;)
@aliasecosse so i win then? I AM THE CHAMPION MY FRIEND. your just a fat looser with body oder. your tacky and i HATE YOU. ;)
@katherineee__ Remember I know lots of things about you....Heffalump
@aliasecosse odour* loser* yea. i blame this keyboard.
@katherineee__ *tut tut* bad spellings... EPIC FAIL
@aliasecosse *tut tut* YOUR FACE. #epicfail
@katherineee__ I really don't want this to descend into YER MAW...since its the same person for us both...poor woman having you as a kid
@katherineee__ I STOLE YOUR CHAIR!!!
@aliasecosse AWKWARD...i got it back. I WIN AGAIN *happy dance*
@katherineee__ just cause this is you
@aliasecosse your just jealous that you dont have my owl powers.
@katherineee__ But I'm a marmoset...The power of the marmoset compells you
@aliasecosse you do not have these powers that you speak of.
@katherineee__ I am not the droid you're looking for. I am a Terminator sent back in time to defeat Sarah Conner. But I'll get you too
@aliasecosse HASTA LA VISTA...MARY ANN. *shoots mary ann with ray gun*
@katherineee__ You have now left for a shower. That means I win by default. SCORE!!!
@aliasecosse mate. like naw. im still here...still winning. #WINNING.
@katherineee__ your face is worse than the SNP #justsaying
@aliasecosse your face is worse than the conservatives. #BURN
@katherineee__ the argument is less effective when I have to correct your tweets before sending #justsaying #burn
@aliasecosse your argument is less effective than mine. yea. thats right. walk away in shame.
@katherineee__ There are 9 photos of Taylor Lautner on your wall. 8 of One Direction. I win automatically...:D
@aliasecosse you fail. theres only five of one direction. i win. AGAIN.
@aliasecosse OKAY you win.
@katherineee__ Your password has been changed due to the fact that I win :)
@aliasecosse no. you dont win. TWAPING DOESNT COUNT. also you didnt change my password. therefore YOU FAIL.
At least @katherineee__ I don't play the flute!!!
@aliasecosse atleast i dont play the trumpet. BRING ON THE THE TRUMPETS. how about NAW.
@katherineee__ My instrument breaks down biblical walls. Yours just breaks my heart and ear drums
@aliasecosse at least im not rebecca black. REBECCA Y U SING ABOUT FRIDAY? and yea thats right you are now rebecca black.
@katherineee__ At least I'm still not you!!! #oohburn #boom #justsaying
@aliasecosse your comebacks are like that of a 8 year old ned. #oohburn! WHATEVAA MAJOR LOSER.
@aliasecosse I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I? yea doesnt make sense but STILL. NANANANANA. i win. :)
@aliasecosse thats sooo primary 5.
@katherineee__ Weeja no canna winja over me causa ima ninja
@aliasecosse fail. mcalindish does not translate to twitter.
We conceeded in the end that it was a draw....this time...
@aliasecosse your just jealous cos your not as cool as me #justsaying. ;)
@katherineee__ your as cool as a cucumber whereas i'm as cool as an icelolly - ergo I'm cooler than you ;) #justsaying
@aliasecosse no no no no no. WHATS COOLER THAN BEING COOL? ICE COLD!. and thats me. ;) #justsaying
@katherineee__ BRR its cold in here! There must be some toros in the atmosphere.. and since I speak Spanish...well I'm 10x cooler that you
@aliasecosse LO SIENTO? mate... hola, me llamo katherine. ;) mi hermana es muy loca.
@katherineee__ You've got a heid the size of a planet. I mean it has its own orbit. If I threw my phone it'd be caught in your gravity
@aliasecosse mate....MATE. WHATS THE PWOBLEM?
@katherineee__ I am Pizza Pooch...hear me roar! Are you ready to face the way of the warrior?
@aliasecosse your a CREEEP. your a WEIRDO. #justsaying.
@katherineee__ You are clicking?! Like seriously?! I feel like I'm in a horror film and your about to eat me....
I am now petrified that you are going to eat me... @katherineee__
@aliasecosse HERES JONNY. no wait. it WAGNER. no wait.. it VAGNER LOUIS.
@katherineee__ you just like Alfred...oh wait I mean your just like ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER
@aliasecosse well.. clearly your just like a GRUFFALO. #BOOM
@katherineee__ I think I'm done....just like your comebacks ;)
@aliasecosse so i win then? I AM THE CHAMPION MY FRIEND. your just a fat looser with body oder. your tacky and i HATE YOU. ;)
@katherineee__ Remember I know lots of things about you....Heffalump
@aliasecosse odour* loser* yea. i blame this keyboard.
@katherineee__ *tut tut* bad spellings... EPIC FAIL
@aliasecosse *tut tut* YOUR FACE. #epicfail
@katherineee__ I really don't want this to descend into YER MAW...since its the same person for us both...poor woman having you as a kid
@katherineee__ I STOLE YOUR CHAIR!!!
@aliasecosse AWKWARD...i got it back. I WIN AGAIN *happy dance*
@katherineee__ just cause this is you
@aliasecosse your just jealous that you dont have my owl powers.
@katherineee__ But I'm a marmoset...The power of the marmoset compells you
@aliasecosse you do not have these powers that you speak of.
@katherineee__ I am not the droid you're looking for. I am a Terminator sent back in time to defeat Sarah Conner. But I'll get you too
@aliasecosse HASTA LA VISTA...MARY ANN. *shoots mary ann with ray gun*
@katherineee__ You have now left for a shower. That means I win by default. SCORE!!!
@aliasecosse mate. like naw. im still here...still winning. #WINNING.
@katherineee__ your face is worse than the SNP #justsaying
@aliasecosse your face is worse than the conservatives. #BURN
@katherineee__ the argument is less effective when I have to correct your tweets before sending #justsaying #burn
@aliasecosse your argument is less effective than mine. yea. thats right. walk away in shame.
@katherineee__ There are 9 photos of Taylor Lautner on your wall. 8 of One Direction. I win automatically...:D
@aliasecosse you fail. theres only five of one direction. i win. AGAIN.
@aliasecosse OKAY you win.
@katherineee__ Your password has been changed due to the fact that I win :)
@aliasecosse no. you dont win. TWAPING DOESNT COUNT. also you didnt change my password. therefore YOU FAIL.
At least @katherineee__ I don't play the flute!!!
@aliasecosse atleast i dont play the trumpet. BRING ON THE THE TRUMPETS. how about NAW.
@katherineee__ My instrument breaks down biblical walls. Yours just breaks my heart and ear drums
@aliasecosse at least im not rebecca black. REBECCA Y U SING ABOUT FRIDAY? and yea thats right you are now rebecca black.
@katherineee__ At least I'm still not you!!! #oohburn #boom #justsaying
@aliasecosse your comebacks are like that of a 8 year old ned. #oohburn! WHATEVAA MAJOR LOSER.
@aliasecosse I KNOW YOU ARE BUT WHAT AM I? yea doesnt make sense but STILL. NANANANANA. i win. :)
@aliasecosse thats sooo primary 5.
@katherineee__ Weeja no canna winja over me causa ima ninja
@aliasecosse fail. mcalindish does not translate to twitter.
We conceeded in the end that it was a draw....this time...
There is an opened box on my floor just waiting for me to pack away some memories. I am a bit of a hoarder, I fill empty shoe, book or indeed, any box I have with things from my past which I'll keep forever.
I love my memories but since my real memory is slowly fading the mementos help me to recall events that have become foggy.
When I die someone will have to sort through all my boxes and they will throw away my life. They will discard old movie tickets and items which have personal resonance for me will mean nothing to them. The dummy egg will be tossed into the rubbish pile along with my memories. My personal history will be wiped clean as my personal items are destroyed.
I love my memories but since my real memory is slowly fading the mementos help me to recall events that have become foggy.
When I die someone will have to sort through all my boxes and they will throw away my life. They will discard old movie tickets and items which have personal resonance for me will mean nothing to them. The dummy egg will be tossed into the rubbish pile along with my memories. My personal history will be wiped clean as my personal items are destroyed.
Hello :)
Hello. This is my first post on LJ. Not sure whether I will actually use this site or not, as I don't think I have that much interesting to say, but, hell, 21st century and all...
I will tell you all a little bit about me. I am a student at Glasgow Uni, I am currently studying English Lit and Spanish. I am an avid fan of Sci-fi and I love BBC classic comedy shows like Monty Python and Porridge. In my spare time I play the trumpet and read a lot...
I reckon I will use this account to review movies, books, TV shows etc. as well as make irreverent, but hopefully thought-provoking or funny statements of my life.
I will tell you all a little bit about me. I am a student at Glasgow Uni, I am currently studying English Lit and Spanish. I am an avid fan of Sci-fi and I love BBC classic comedy shows like Monty Python and Porridge. In my spare time I play the trumpet and read a lot...
I reckon I will use this account to review movies, books, TV shows etc. as well as make irreverent, but hopefully thought-provoking or funny statements of my life.
100 Facts About Me - from my Twitter
1. My name is Mary Ann E McAlinden
2. The E stands for Elizabeth, after my dads mum and the Mary Ann was my mum's mum's name
3. I am 19 years old and I do not want to turn 20 in September
4. I have a sister who oftentimes annoys me but we are very close
5. I attend the University of Glasgow where I study English Literature and Hispanic Studies
6. I love being Scottish even if I would like to live in another country when I'm older
7. I get obsessed with TV shows quite easily and if I start watching something then I have to watch it all
8. My favourite shows at the moment are Supernatural, Chuck and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but these change daily
9. I love reading. I usually have at least one book with me and once again if I start reading something I have to finish
10. I have played the trumpet for nearly 12 years and I still love playing it.
11. My trumpet is called Goldie
12. I also play the keyboard and the tin whistle. My whistle is called Bob
13. I name most inanimate objects.
14. My pendrives are called Toby and Penelope. They are in a long term relationship
15. I believe that animals and birds talk to each other in the same ways humans do. This is partly Disney's fault
16. My favourite film is The Lion King. I cry the whole way through because I love it so much it actually hurts my heart
17. I finish 2nd year of University on Friday :O:O:O
18. I have very narrow feet
19. My sister has a poster wall of 'hot guys'. I have a poster wall of sci-fi shows
20. If I had to pick a team then I support Celtic football club
21. My favourite colour is Cobalt Blue. Its just so bright and shiny
22. I love the Spanish language and enjoy learning it. I go away to Spain for nine months in October and I can't wait :D
23. I have a ridiculous amount of full cousins. There are over 30.
24. My bookshelves are in alphabetical order as are my dvds
25. I am a tad socially awkward but working on it :)
26. I used to sleep with a beanie baby dog called Nanook when I was little
27. This is one of my lucky numbers as I was born on the 27th of September 1991
28. I used to be petrified of the dark but now I'm ok with it
29. I live on a farm in the countryside. The village where I stay is a bit dire but I like the woods at my house
30. One of my closest friends is @tendercuriosity.
31. It very much excites me to play with a harmon 'wa-wah' mute. Tis awesome
32. My taste in music is pretty random. I love folk music from across the world as well as Jazz, Rock and Pop.
33. My bedroom in my old house used to be aqua marine and it was my underwater cove. It relaxed me.
34. Even though my sister is two years younger than me and doesnt look all that similar we are sometime mistaken for twins
35. I have a bulletin from Church on my wall because the artist made Jesus look Japanese
36. If an actor on TV does something I don't like then I fall out with them. Case in point James Cordon
37. I have only ever failed one exam. It was a prelim for Higher Business Management and the teacher didn't teach us the course
38. I have more male friends than female ones
39. I nearly always wear the bracelet my Great Aunt Jeanie got me for my 18th birthday.
40. I am usually very stressed out. I don't think its good for me
41. I went to primary and high school with six of my full cousins. One of whom was in the same class as me.
42. Is another of my favourite numbers. I mean its The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. What's not to love?
43. Despite doing English, I am a pretty bad speller.
44. I once got on the wrong train and ended up far from home and embarrassed
45. I get annoyed when people mistake England for the UK and don't acknowledge the rest of us. We are 4 countries, please remember!
46. I am a sucker for unrequited love stories. Its why I love Casteil, Spike etc.
47. If you talk in a Russian accent then I will love you. For example Misha Collins and Anton Yelchin
48. Socks are my favourite clothing items. I always wear socks even over tights. They will usually be odd but coordinated
49. I am addicted to Diet Coke
50. I am an inch taller than Daniel Radcliffe who is 5'4" and a half and I am 5'5" and a half
51. My reaction to Disney is one of adoring love. I felt exactly like the small child in the advert the entire time
52. I sometimes have entire conversations in my head when I am too shy to say anything to the other person
53. I only ever feel properly human when I am with a group of people.
54. On Friday I had to do cherography while playing Soul Bossa Nova this is a video of that
55. I have never been more embarrassed
56. I also love characters who are isolated and or in a great amount of pain. E.g. Casteil, Spock (new movie version)
57. I want to visit almost every country in the world, especially Eastern Europe and South America.
58. I still do not know what I want to do when I graduate :S
59. One of my biggest regrets was quitting ballet dancing when I was 4 because the uniform was pink, I hate pink, but like ballet
60. I plan on visiting every US state at some point
61. I have a very overactive imagination which leads me to be terrified of a lot of things
62. I am double jointed in all my fingers
63. I wish I had more confidence and belief in myself
64. I love going to the zoo. The closest one is in Edinburgh. My family used to be season-ticket holders for Glasgow zoo before it shut
65. I can't wait to see Panic! at the disco again in May
66. My favourite word is 'eejit' it really carries all the sentiment it needs to.
67. The last time I had holidays from Uni I got back into Pokemon and also Heartbeat - Yorkshire 1950s based police show.
68. I identify myself as a fanboy for most of the TV shows I watch. I am only a fangirl for Supernatural
69. I am still single. I reckon boys just don't see me as someone to date, just as someone to be friends with.
70. Babies scare me but my cousins children are awesome.
71. My eldest cousin is in their 40's, my youngest is 13. The eldest of the children is 12 and the youngest is 1ish
72. Also one of my favourite numbers. The last time I had an exam I sat at this number and got an A
73. I have a picture of 'The Scream' on my wall as my sister @katherineee__ does the same pose
74. I made my First Communion on 3rd June 2000 along with my cousin Chris. We had Costco cake
75. I am Catholic. But I don't agree with everything my Church believes.
76. I think its very important to learn another language to increase understanding of other cultures
77. I speak/understand Spanish (almost fluently), read French (intermediate level) as well as English and Scots
78. I had a plan when I was younger to learn 7 modern languages by the time I was 21. I didn't work but I'm endeavouring to learn Russian
79. I had pepperoni pizza for dinner
80. I hated but loved school. Loved the learning and I had some awesome teachers. Hated most of the people
81. I count it as a good day when it doesn't end in tears. It is even better when I don't have a headache.
82. I have had a stress headache almost every day for nearly two years
83. My favourite subjects at school were English, Geography and Music
84. I drink about 4 litres of water a day.
85. I rarely wear make-up
86. The last film I saw in the cinema was Paul. The last I watched on DVD was O Brother Where Art Thou
87. One of the earliest books I remember reading was Flat Stanley when I was 4. I remember reading words out of the paper when I was 2/3
88. I am deathly allergic to shellfish. I once ate the tiniest bit of a prawn and had an extreme allergic reaction
89. I am scared of feet
90. I have lower than average blood pressure meaning I am prone to fainting
91. I once fainted in a classroom and banged my head off of two desks and a filing cabinet. I woke up on the opposite side of the room
92. Wednesdays used to be my favourite day of the week. It was when I'd see all my friends and then go to Big Band.
93. I really hope I get a placement near Seville, or at least in Andalucia for my year abroad. I really want to visit that region
94. I have only met my Australian cousins once but I still miss them
95. I know I'm going to be really bummed out when Uni finishes.
96. I know many embarrassing things about some of my friends
97. My ambition in life is to be warm
98. My dad causes most of the stress in my life.
99. I usually have weird dreams. I sometimes even dream the future, I once dreamt I was learning 'ser' before I started learning Spanish.
100. My brain is filled with useless trivia associated with tv, films and general knowledge. If only it was relevant
2. The E stands for Elizabeth, after my dads mum and the Mary Ann was my mum's mum's name
3. I am 19 years old and I do not want to turn 20 in September
4. I have a sister who oftentimes annoys me but we are very close
5. I attend the University of Glasgow where I study English Literature and Hispanic Studies
6. I love being Scottish even if I would like to live in another country when I'm older
7. I get obsessed with TV shows quite easily and if I start watching something then I have to watch it all
8. My favourite shows at the moment are Supernatural, Chuck and Buffy the Vampire Slayer but these change daily
9. I love reading. I usually have at least one book with me and once again if I start reading something I have to finish
10. I have played the trumpet for nearly 12 years and I still love playing it.
11. My trumpet is called Goldie
12. I also play the keyboard and the tin whistle. My whistle is called Bob
13. I name most inanimate objects.
14. My pendrives are called Toby and Penelope. They are in a long term relationship
15. I believe that animals and birds talk to each other in the same ways humans do. This is partly Disney's fault
16. My favourite film is The Lion King. I cry the whole way through because I love it so much it actually hurts my heart
17. I finish 2nd year of University on Friday :O:O:O
18. I have very narrow feet
19. My sister has a poster wall of 'hot guys'. I have a poster wall of sci-fi shows
20. If I had to pick a team then I support Celtic football club
21. My favourite colour is Cobalt Blue. Its just so bright and shiny
22. I love the Spanish language and enjoy learning it. I go away to Spain for nine months in October and I can't wait :D
23. I have a ridiculous amount of full cousins. There are over 30.
24. My bookshelves are in alphabetical order as are my dvds
25. I am a tad socially awkward but working on it :)
26. I used to sleep with a beanie baby dog called Nanook when I was little
27. This is one of my lucky numbers as I was born on the 27th of September 1991
28. I used to be petrified of the dark but now I'm ok with it
29. I live on a farm in the countryside. The village where I stay is a bit dire but I like the woods at my house
30. One of my closest friends is @tendercuriosity.
31. It very much excites me to play with a harmon 'wa-wah' mute. Tis awesome
32. My taste in music is pretty random. I love folk music from across the world as well as Jazz, Rock and Pop.
33. My bedroom in my old house used to be aqua marine and it was my underwater cove. It relaxed me.
34. Even though my sister is two years younger than me and doesnt look all that similar we are sometime mistaken for twins
35. I have a bulletin from Church on my wall because the artist made Jesus look Japanese
36. If an actor on TV does something I don't like then I fall out with them. Case in point James Cordon
37. I have only ever failed one exam. It was a prelim for Higher Business Management and the teacher didn't teach us the course
38. I have more male friends than female ones
39. I nearly always wear the bracelet my Great Aunt Jeanie got me for my 18th birthday.
40. I am usually very stressed out. I don't think its good for me
41. I went to primary and high school with six of my full cousins. One of whom was in the same class as me.
42. Is another of my favourite numbers. I mean its The Answer to Life, The Universe and Everything. What's not to love?
43. Despite doing English, I am a pretty bad speller.
44. I once got on the wrong train and ended up far from home and embarrassed
45. I get annoyed when people mistake England for the UK and don't acknowledge the rest of us. We are 4 countries, please remember!
46. I am a sucker for unrequited love stories. Its why I love Casteil, Spike etc.
47. If you talk in a Russian accent then I will love you. For example Misha Collins and Anton Yelchin
48. Socks are my favourite clothing items. I always wear socks even over tights. They will usually be odd but coordinated
49. I am addicted to Diet Coke
50. I am an inch taller than Daniel Radcliffe who is 5'4" and a half and I am 5'5" and a half
51. My reaction to Disney is one of adoring love. I felt exactly like the small child in the advert the entire time
52. I sometimes have entire conversations in my head when I am too shy to say anything to the other person
53. I only ever feel properly human when I am with a group of people.
54. On Friday I had to do cherography while playing Soul Bossa Nova this is a video of that
55. I have never been more embarrassed
56. I also love characters who are isolated and or in a great amount of pain. E.g. Casteil, Spock (new movie version)
57. I want to visit almost every country in the world, especially Eastern Europe and South America.
58. I still do not know what I want to do when I graduate :S
59. One of my biggest regrets was quitting ballet dancing when I was 4 because the uniform was pink, I hate pink, but like ballet
60. I plan on visiting every US state at some point
61. I have a very overactive imagination which leads me to be terrified of a lot of things
62. I am double jointed in all my fingers
63. I wish I had more confidence and belief in myself
64. I love going to the zoo. The closest one is in Edinburgh. My family used to be season-ticket holders for Glasgow zoo before it shut
65. I can't wait to see Panic! at the disco again in May
66. My favourite word is 'eejit' it really carries all the sentiment it needs to.
67. The last time I had holidays from Uni I got back into Pokemon and also Heartbeat - Yorkshire 1950s based police show.
68. I identify myself as a fanboy for most of the TV shows I watch. I am only a fangirl for Supernatural
69. I am still single. I reckon boys just don't see me as someone to date, just as someone to be friends with.
70. Babies scare me but my cousins children are awesome.
71. My eldest cousin is in their 40's, my youngest is 13. The eldest of the children is 12 and the youngest is 1ish
72. Also one of my favourite numbers. The last time I had an exam I sat at this number and got an A
73. I have a picture of 'The Scream' on my wall as my sister @katherineee__ does the same pose
74. I made my First Communion on 3rd June 2000 along with my cousin Chris. We had Costco cake
75. I am Catholic. But I don't agree with everything my Church believes.
76. I think its very important to learn another language to increase understanding of other cultures
77. I speak/understand Spanish (almost fluently), read French (intermediate level) as well as English and Scots
78. I had a plan when I was younger to learn 7 modern languages by the time I was 21. I didn't work but I'm endeavouring to learn Russian
79. I had pepperoni pizza for dinner
80. I hated but loved school. Loved the learning and I had some awesome teachers. Hated most of the people
81. I count it as a good day when it doesn't end in tears. It is even better when I don't have a headache.
82. I have had a stress headache almost every day for nearly two years
83. My favourite subjects at school were English, Geography and Music
84. I drink about 4 litres of water a day.
85. I rarely wear make-up
86. The last film I saw in the cinema was Paul. The last I watched on DVD was O Brother Where Art Thou
87. One of the earliest books I remember reading was Flat Stanley when I was 4. I remember reading words out of the paper when I was 2/3
88. I am deathly allergic to shellfish. I once ate the tiniest bit of a prawn and had an extreme allergic reaction
89. I am scared of feet
90. I have lower than average blood pressure meaning I am prone to fainting
91. I once fainted in a classroom and banged my head off of two desks and a filing cabinet. I woke up on the opposite side of the room
92. Wednesdays used to be my favourite day of the week. It was when I'd see all my friends and then go to Big Band.
93. I really hope I get a placement near Seville, or at least in Andalucia for my year abroad. I really want to visit that region
94. I have only met my Australian cousins once but I still miss them
95. I know I'm going to be really bummed out when Uni finishes.
96. I know many embarrassing things about some of my friends
97. My ambition in life is to be warm
98. My dad causes most of the stress in my life.
99. I usually have weird dreams. I sometimes even dream the future, I once dreamt I was learning 'ser' before I started learning Spanish.
100. My brain is filled with useless trivia associated with tv, films and general knowledge. If only it was relevant
Random Survey 2
1. Do you still have tonsils? - Yes.
2. Would you bungee jump? - If I was paid to do it.
3. If You Could Do Anything In The World For A Living What Would It Be? – Be a writer for a TV show or a CEO of an international company.
4. How many tattoos do you have? - None.
5. Your favorite fictional animal? - Dragon.
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? - Gary Kelly.
7. Do you consider yourself well organized? - Yes, I run like clockwork.
8. Any Addictions? - Supernatural...Any TV show that I become hooked to.
9. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? - BBC Breakfast and Twitter.
10. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus? - Carnival!
11. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? - Astronaut.
12. Best Movie You've Seen This Year? - Toy Story 3.
13. Favorite alcoholic drink - A mad almond thing with coke.
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? - Check Twitter.
15. Siblings? - A very clever Bambi.
17. Have you ever gone to therapy? - No, unless you count or impromptu one in 4th years maths.
18. If you could have one super power what would it be? - I would have to be like Chuck with the new intersect. Kung-fu ftw.
19. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? - Nope, never been. I think maybe my desk is from IKEA but I doubt it.
20. Have you ever gone camping? - Yes, but never in a tent.
21. Gas prices! First thought? - I don't have a car.
22. Your favorite cartoon character? - Stewie from Family Guy.
23. What was your first car? - Probably a remote controlled one when I was 4.
24. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? - No.
25. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? - Simpsons.
26. Do you go to church? - Yes, I try to go every week.
28. What errand/chore do you despise? - Taking out the bins, they are heavy.
29. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? - Not again!
30. Last time you puked from drinking? - Never.
31. What is your heritage? - Scottish, Irish and a little Spanish.
32. Favorite flower? - Anything that smells sweet and looks nice. I love bluebells also and buttercup. And of course the Thistle
33. Disney or Warner Bros? - Disney all the way.
34. What is your best childhood memory? - I loved my First Communion.
35. Your favorite potato chip crisp? - Very boring with Ready Salted.
36. What is your favorite candy? - Sour Plums and Cola Cubes.
37. Do you burn or tan? - Tan.
38. Astrological sign? - Libra.
39. Do you own a gun? - A phaser.
40. What do you think of hot dogs? - Occasionally the right thing to eat.
2. Would you bungee jump? - If I was paid to do it.
3. If You Could Do Anything In The World For A Living What Would It Be? – Be a writer for a TV show or a CEO of an international company.
4. How many tattoos do you have? - None.
5. Your favorite fictional animal? - Dragon.
6. One person that never fails to make you laugh? - Gary Kelly.
7. Do you consider yourself well organized? - Yes, I run like clockwork.
8. Any Addictions? - Supernatural...Any TV show that I become hooked to.
9. From what news source do you receive the bulk of your news? - BBC Breakfast and Twitter.
10. Would you rather go to a carnival or circus? - Carnival!
11. When you were twelve years old, what did you want to be when you grew up? - Astronaut.
12. Best Movie You've Seen This Year? - Toy Story 3.
13. Favorite alcoholic drink - A mad almond thing with coke.
14. What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? - Check Twitter.
15. Siblings? - A very clever Bambi.
17. Have you ever gone to therapy? - No, unless you count or impromptu one in 4th years maths.
18. If you could have one super power what would it be? - I would have to be like Chuck with the new intersect. Kung-fu ftw.
19. Do you own any furniture from Ikea? - Nope, never been. I think maybe my desk is from IKEA but I doubt it.
20. Have you ever gone camping? - Yes, but never in a tent.
21. Gas prices! First thought? - I don't have a car.
22. Your favorite cartoon character? - Stewie from Family Guy.
23. What was your first car? - Probably a remote controlled one when I was 4.
24. Do you think marriage is an outdated ritual? - No.
25. The Cosby Show or the Simpsons? - Simpsons.
26. Do you go to church? - Yes, I try to go every week.
28. What errand/chore do you despise? - Taking out the bins, they are heavy.
29. First thought when the alarm went off this morning? - Not again!
30. Last time you puked from drinking? - Never.
31. What is your heritage? - Scottish, Irish and a little Spanish.
32. Favorite flower? - Anything that smells sweet and looks nice. I love bluebells also and buttercup. And of course the Thistle
33. Disney or Warner Bros? - Disney all the way.
34. What is your best childhood memory? - I loved my First Communion.
35. Your favorite potato chip crisp? - Very boring with Ready Salted.
36. What is your favorite candy? - Sour Plums and Cola Cubes.
37. Do you burn or tan? - Tan.
38. Astrological sign? - Libra.
39. Do you own a gun? - A phaser.
40. What do you think of hot dogs? - Occasionally the right thing to eat.
Left behind
Sometimes I feel ad though the rest of the world is moving up and growing older, while I just stay the same. Stale. Boring.
Friends I once held dear have moved on with their lives. And I no longer fit. I'm outside the cookie cutter mould of society. Not to say I'm individual, far from it. More like bland.
Next year brings with it the opportunity of living in Spain - infect it's a requirement but what then? Surely the gap between 'normality' and me will widen. And most probably my friends will leave me behind.
Of course we'll pretend that the gap isn't there but it will be. Over time little awkward pauses will become an even more awkward silence until we just don't talk anymore apart from occasional nods of acknowledgement across a crowded room, or a stilted conversation in a street which ends in a shuffling of bags and a glance at a watch indicating that too much time has passed for it to work anymore.
Friends I once held dear have moved on with their lives. And I no longer fit. I'm outside the cookie cutter mould of society. Not to say I'm individual, far from it. More like bland.
Next year brings with it the opportunity of living in Spain - infect it's a requirement but what then? Surely the gap between 'normality' and me will widen. And most probably my friends will leave me behind.
Of course we'll pretend that the gap isn't there but it will be. Over time little awkward pauses will become an even more awkward silence until we just don't talk anymore apart from occasional nods of acknowledgement across a crowded room, or a stilted conversation in a street which ends in a shuffling of bags and a glance at a watch indicating that too much time has passed for it to work anymore.
Random Survey
50 Things About Me Survey | |
Have fun answering this cool survey! | |
1. What is your best friends name? | I have a few...Lauren, Paul, Michael and Joseph |
2. What color underwear/boxers wearing now? | Umm...Blue |
3. What are you listening to right now? | The whirr of my computer as I type |
4. Whats your favorite number? | 27 |
5. What was the last thing you ate? | Toast :D |
6. If you were a crayon what color would you be? | Cobalt Blue |
7. How is the weather right now? | I don't know, it's dark outside, but I don't hear wind or rain, so that's a good thing. |
8. Who was the last person you talked 2 on the phone? | Lauren |
9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? | Eyes |
10. Do you have a significant other? | Nope...sadly not |
11. Favorite TV show? | SUPERNATURAL!! |
12. Siblings? | One bambi child |
13. Height? | Mine or hers...I'm 5"5', taller that HP don't you know, she is 5"3 |
14. Hair color? | Brown |
15. Eye Color? | Brown |
16. Do you wear contacts? | Nope, Glecks though |
17. Favorite Holiday? | Christmas, but not when it's actually happening |
18. Month? | September, beginning of Autumn and birthday month in my house |
19. Have you ever cried for no reason? | Yup |
20. What was the last movie you watched? | Iron Man |
21. Favorite Day of the Year? | September 27th |
22. Are you too shy to ask someone out? | Maybe... |
23. Can you do a headstand (not using the wall)? | Nope...haha...that would be disastrous... |
24. Hugs or Kisses? | Hugs |
25. Chocolate or Vanilla? | Vanilla |
26. Do you want your friends to respond to this? | If they choose to |
27. Who is most likely to respond? | Noone |
28. Who is least likely to respond? | Noone |
29. What books are you reading? | El porque de las cosas, Orlando and Spanish Civil War |
30. Piercings? | None, I don't like the idea of having extra holes in my body |
31. Favorite movies? | Many, many titles |
32. Favorite football Team? | Celtic FC |
33. what were u doing before this? | Talking to my sister |
34. Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn? | Salted - less calories :P |
37. Dogs or cats? | Dogs |
38. Favorite flower? | Bluebells and Heather |
39. Been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do? | Umm...maybe |
40. Do you have a best friend of the opposite sex? | Of course... |
41. Have you ever loved someone? | Not really. |
42. Who would you like to see right now? | My friends, or Misha Collins - that would be fab |
43. Are you still friends with people from kindergarten? | Didn't go to Kindergarten since I'm Scottish but I do still have a best friend from Playgroup which is the equivalent |
44. Have you ever fired a gun? | Does a BB gun count? |
45. Do you like to travel by plane? | I love it |
46. Right-handed or Left-handed? | Right, but I'm practising being ambidextrous |
47. How many pillows do you sleep with? | 3 |
48. Are you missing someone? | A lot of people |
49. Do you have a Tattoo? | Nope |
50. Anybody on myspace that you'd go on a date with? | Maybe, I don't know everyone on myspace |
Take this survey |
People my age are supposed to go out to clubs and pubs and have a good time, right?
People my age are supposed to have a multitude of friends and be able to make new ones, right?
People my age are supposed to have a life, right?
But I don't.
I seem to have a self-destructing streak doubled with my inability to clearly articulate my thoughts and feelings through the process of speech. I may be able to string a sentence together when I write things down, but when it comes to speaking about myself, and my thoughts the words fail me. For example, I have been to two nightclubs since I turned of legal age. They were both for my close friends birthdays and through a sense of moral obligation I agreed to go and I did. Now I'm not saying that it was an awful experience, but as
a copious drinker and a very, very reserved individual I had a horrible time. I saw my friends having a good laugh and being able to integrate themselves in a way that I could only dream of doing.
Whenever someone asks me to go on a night out, I find myself having a minor anxiety attack and I get extremely nervous. I would love to go, I know deep down that I will regret missing the opportunity in later life, but my body and mind fight this and I end up declining the offer. It also doesn't help that large crowds and loud noises (I know as a trumpet player that that is insane) make me emotionally unstable.
That is why I have decided to do something about my crippling (in a social sense) situation. After my exams which finish next Friday, I am going to go to a pub and build my tolerance for the night-life up one week at a time, so that when my friends say "going out tonight?", I will be able to give an honest answer and not one based on fear and intimidation.
This will also, hopefully, enhance the chances I have to find myself a boyfriend, because I feel unutterably alone.
People my age are supposed to have a multitude of friends and be able to make new ones, right?
People my age are supposed to have a life, right?
But I don't.
I seem to have a self-destructing streak doubled with my inability to clearly articulate my thoughts and feelings through the process of speech. I may be able to string a sentence together when I write things down, but when it comes to speaking about myself, and my thoughts the words fail me. For example, I have been to two nightclubs since I turned of legal age. They were both for my close friends birthdays and through a sense of moral obligation I agreed to go and I did. Now I'm not saying that it was an awful experience, but as
a copious drinker and a very, very reserved individual I had a horrible time. I saw my friends having a good laugh and being able to integrate themselves in a way that I could only dream of doing.
Whenever someone asks me to go on a night out, I find myself having a minor anxiety attack and I get extremely nervous. I would love to go, I know deep down that I will regret missing the opportunity in later life, but my body and mind fight this and I end up declining the offer. It also doesn't help that large crowds and loud noises (I know as a trumpet player that that is insane) make me emotionally unstable.
That is why I have decided to do something about my crippling (in a social sense) situation. After my exams which finish next Friday, I am going to go to a pub and build my tolerance for the night-life up one week at a time, so that when my friends say "going out tonight?", I will be able to give an honest answer and not one based on fear and intimidation.
This will also, hopefully, enhance the chances I have to find myself a boyfriend, because I feel unutterably alone.
Do you know how sad it is to lose a friend?
One minute you're hanging out and sharing jokes, the next its cold shoulders and awkward silences.
I have recently lost such a friend.
He was one of my closest and I would tell him anything. I'd known him since I was a toddler. We went through school together, went through orchestras together and the trails and tribulations of teenage life. Best friends doesn't even come close to describing how I felt our friendship was...I saw him more as a brother.
But that all changed around the time of his 18th birthday. As he is six months older, he could go out to clubs and the like with the other 18 year olds. He developed a new friendship group. That didn't bother me, we have always had friends outside of each other. Nothing could rock the solid foundation of our friendship, right?
Week after week we drifted further apart. Speaking more as old acquaintances rather than as people who have been friends for 15 years. The silences got longer. We went to different schools for Uni and College. He continues to go out drinking with the other people and never even replies to texts.
Tonight I met him in the Supermarket...
He barely acknowledged my presence before making excuses to leave with her.
I hope we can reclaim some of the closeness we had before, but I doubt it.
I am now in mourning for my dearest friend.
One minute you're hanging out and sharing jokes, the next its cold shoulders and awkward silences.
I have recently lost such a friend.
He was one of my closest and I would tell him anything. I'd known him since I was a toddler. We went through school together, went through orchestras together and the trails and tribulations of teenage life. Best friends doesn't even come close to describing how I felt our friendship was...I saw him more as a brother.
But that all changed around the time of his 18th birthday. As he is six months older, he could go out to clubs and the like with the other 18 year olds. He developed a new friendship group. That didn't bother me, we have always had friends outside of each other. Nothing could rock the solid foundation of our friendship, right?
Week after week we drifted further apart. Speaking more as old acquaintances rather than as people who have been friends for 15 years. The silences got longer. We went to different schools for Uni and College. He continues to go out drinking with the other people and never even replies to texts.
Tonight I met him in the Supermarket...
He barely acknowledged my presence before making excuses to leave with her.
I hope we can reclaim some of the closeness we had before, but I doubt it.
I am now in mourning for my dearest friend.
When I saw Panic! at the Disco (for the 2nd time)
The date - 2.4.11
The venue - O2 ABC, Glasgow
The people - Myself, DG, PF and LK

First a background:
I have been a fan of Panic! at the Disco from about the age of 12, so at this point around 8 years. And those have been 8 of my formative years and Panic! at the Disco have always been there. They even made me friends with the aforementioned LK (we were in the changing rooms before gym class and since I was wearing pin-stripe trousers she and RH started singing 'when you wear black slacks with insinuating off-white pin-stripes' - thus a friendship was born)and it was PF who introduced me to them back in my first year of high school. I first saw them when they toured for Pretty Odd in 2008, at that point I was 16. It was a nightmare crowd and I ended up getting pulled out of the second row (standing) by a Bouncer as I almost fainted. But it was AMAZING!
Now onto Monday:
PF bought me a ticket when they first went on sale and we all highly anticipated the 2nd May. On the day itself we gathered and got in line. We ended up half way up one of Glasgow's infamous hills, so steep that my phone started to roll down it. PF was going to meet the band so he left us to go do that. This created a small problem which stressed us out immensely. PF had the booking confirmations on his phone and we were gradually moving up the line. The woman at the ticket desk wouldn't give him the tickets. So we all went down to see what was happening as she had no record of our booking :S. Eventually we found the right information and in we went. Due to this we had no way of getting to the barrier but we had an excellent view, almost heads on to the stage and the band.
The support band:
The support band were not my cup of tea at all. The were called 'The Love Letters' and were a semi-punk/rock band from 'Lahn-dan'. They were very much a cliché of their genre and to be blunt they just did not fit with the style of Panic! at the Disco. I dare say if they had been supporting another band then I may have had better things to say.
Panic! at the Disco:
Panic! at the Disco did about an hour to an hour and a half set. Their opening song was, appropriately enough, Ready to Go!. Interestingly, even though the band has lost two of its original members they played a lot of old stuff from their albums A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd. My memory of exactly each song they played has been lost to the joy I felt seeing them on stage again. His voice was just as good/if not better live than it is on the CD's. It's easy to forget, in this day and age, just how talented these people are and Brendon Urie is proof.
Half way through Brendon's microphone broke and this was when he really shone. Of course his voice is marvellous and he is a good looking man but when he had to think on his feet and entertain a crowd he was amazing. They started to sing Fat Bottomed Girls, and with his powerful voice this was one of my highlights of the night - I love the kind of things that can only happen in a live performance.
Highlights for me:
Nearly Witches, the improv when there was technical difficulties,
I managed to get a couple of videos but they are all pretty poor quality...(for which I apologise)
Here is Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have & Trade Mistakes
And their cover of I Am Human by the Smiths
If you ever have the opportunity, this is a band to see live.
The venue - O2 ABC, Glasgow
The people - Myself, DG, PF and LK
First a background:
I have been a fan of Panic! at the Disco from about the age of 12, so at this point around 8 years. And those have been 8 of my formative years and Panic! at the Disco have always been there. They even made me friends with the aforementioned LK (we were in the changing rooms before gym class and since I was wearing pin-stripe trousers she and RH started singing 'when you wear black slacks with insinuating off-white pin-stripes' - thus a friendship was born)and it was PF who introduced me to them back in my first year of high school. I first saw them when they toured for Pretty Odd in 2008, at that point I was 16. It was a nightmare crowd and I ended up getting pulled out of the second row (standing) by a Bouncer as I almost fainted. But it was AMAZING!
Now onto Monday:
PF bought me a ticket when they first went on sale and we all highly anticipated the 2nd May. On the day itself we gathered and got in line. We ended up half way up one of Glasgow's infamous hills, so steep that my phone started to roll down it. PF was going to meet the band so he left us to go do that. This created a small problem which stressed us out immensely. PF had the booking confirmations on his phone and we were gradually moving up the line. The woman at the ticket desk wouldn't give him the tickets. So we all went down to see what was happening as she had no record of our booking :S. Eventually we found the right information and in we went. Due to this we had no way of getting to the barrier but we had an excellent view, almost heads on to the stage and the band.
The support band:
The support band were not my cup of tea at all. The were called 'The Love Letters' and were a semi-punk/rock band from 'Lahn-dan'. They were very much a cliché of their genre and to be blunt they just did not fit with the style of Panic! at the Disco. I dare say if they had been supporting another band then I may have had better things to say.
Panic! at the Disco:
Panic! at the Disco did about an hour to an hour and a half set. Their opening song was, appropriately enough, Ready to Go!. Interestingly, even though the band has lost two of its original members they played a lot of old stuff from their albums A Fever You Can't Sweat Out and Pretty. Odd. My memory of exactly each song they played has been lost to the joy I felt seeing them on stage again. His voice was just as good/if not better live than it is on the CD's. It's easy to forget, in this day and age, just how talented these people are and Brendon Urie is proof.
Half way through Brendon's microphone broke and this was when he really shone. Of course his voice is marvellous and he is a good looking man but when he had to think on his feet and entertain a crowd he was amazing. They started to sing Fat Bottomed Girls, and with his powerful voice this was one of my highlights of the night - I love the kind of things that can only happen in a live performance.
Highlights for me:
Nearly Witches, the improv when there was technical difficulties,
I managed to get a couple of videos but they are all pretty poor quality...(for which I apologise)
Here is Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have & Trade Mistakes
And their cover of I Am Human by the Smiths
If you ever have the opportunity, this is a band to see live.
panic at the disco,
Writer's Block: Family matters
Ever since I was a little child I have always wanted an older brother. I am the eldest of two and I love my sister to pieces, even though she can be a right pain. We always fight but it dissolves and a few hours later we are laughing and chatting like best mates again.
I have a ton of big cousins, mainly boys and I when I was watching "My Family" I realised I wanted a brother - I even asked my mum to adopt one.
I would love to have a big brother watching out for me and acting daft, giving me advice etc. He could sort out my problems in a jiff if I needed him to.
My ideal would be to have a set up like the Weasely's from Harry Potter. I would love to have all those big brothers always there for me and always up for a laugh.
You could get advice from Percy - before he became an eejit. Fred and George would always cheer you up if you were feeling low. Ron would guard you from boys haha and always cause awkwardness :)
But alas I don't have a brother.
And I won't.
But I do have a sister - and since she doesn't read this I can say that she is really a great sister and I wouldn't swap her for the world
I have a ton of big cousins, mainly boys and I when I was watching "My Family" I realised I wanted a brother - I even asked my mum to adopt one.
I would love to have a big brother watching out for me and acting daft, giving me advice etc. He could sort out my problems in a jiff if I needed him to.
My ideal would be to have a set up like the Weasely's from Harry Potter. I would love to have all those big brothers always there for me and always up for a laugh.
You could get advice from Percy - before he became an eejit. Fred and George would always cheer you up if you were feeling low. Ron would guard you from boys haha and always cause awkwardness :)
But alas I don't have a brother.
And I won't.
But I do have a sister - and since she doesn't read this I can say that she is really a great sister and I wouldn't swap her for the world
Toast is a marvellous invention.
It really makes my day.
Whenever I see a buttered slice.
I just have to eat it all.
Including crusts.
Ok, so maybe it isn't the stuff of epic poetry but it is a great source of comfort in the often cruel world. I reckon that is because it is warm, crunchy and also buttery. It is the taste of home. You can't go wrong with a slice of toast. It is a great thing no matter what time of day.
You can eat it at: Breakfast
Tea Time
Dinner (with or without beans)
I myself prefer just to have plain toast and butter but the range of toppings is almost endless. A very indulgent treat is toast and crunchy peanut butter. It works amazingly well. Toast stops me being depressed. It lifts my mood. It calms me down. It even sends me to sleep.
So thank you toast for being so great.
What would the modern world be without you!
It really makes my day.
Whenever I see a buttered slice.
I just have to eat it all.
Including crusts.
Ok, so maybe it isn't the stuff of epic poetry but it is a great source of comfort in the often cruel world. I reckon that is because it is warm, crunchy and also buttery. It is the taste of home. You can't go wrong with a slice of toast. It is a great thing no matter what time of day.
You can eat it at: Breakfast
Tea Time
Dinner (with or without beans)
I myself prefer just to have plain toast and butter but the range of toppings is almost endless. A very indulgent treat is toast and crunchy peanut butter. It works amazingly well. Toast stops me being depressed. It lifts my mood. It calms me down. It even sends me to sleep.
So thank you toast for being so great.
What would the modern world be without you!
Firefly :)
I have recently started watching this epic TV show and am very upset knowing that it will end in just seven more episodes.
I have the feeling that I should have kept it as a grail. Something to always look forward to and never actually watch.
Not because I don't like it, or that it fell short of my expectations because it hasn't and I love it to pieces. Viva la Browncoats!
But because I know that once I have seen the final episode there are no more. No more Mal or Wash. No more Jayne or Keelay.
I know that there is still Serenity the movie. But what then...?
I have the feeling that I should have kept it as a grail. Something to always look forward to and never actually watch.
Not because I don't like it, or that it fell short of my expectations because it hasn't and I love it to pieces. Viva la Browncoats!
But because I know that once I have seen the final episode there are no more. No more Mal or Wash. No more Jayne or Keelay.
I know that there is still Serenity the movie. But what then...?
My belief in God
I am a Roman Catholic. I believe in God. I believe that Jesus was the Son of God and the Redeemer of Mankind. I was baptised in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. I was educated in the Catholic school system of Scotland. I made my reconciliation, my First Holy Communion and my Confirmation in the Catholic Church that I attend every Sunday. I was brought up in the faith of my family and will aim to bring up my children, if I have any, in the same religion.
Religious people are often criticised for forsaking science and being backwards for believing in a higher power. My beliefs are based on the marrying of religion and science. For me there are too many coincidences and random chances for there to have not been a God to have started things off. I believe in the theory of evolution. I believe the Old Testament of the Bible is an allegory for the events which created life. It was written over two thousand years ago when people didn't have the solid facts of modern day science, which still does not have all the answers. That is not to say it is all allegorical. There are historical facts and scientific data for the various Kings and of course for the prophet Moses. The New Testament also has its flaws but as it was written by different people at different times there will still be facts. An once again there is historical evidence for Jesus being real.
Another part of my belief in God is the presence of religion or some form of belief in superior beings in a lot of cultures throughout history. The Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Mayans etc. all believed in powerful beings. And most cultures have some notion of an after-life.
But truthfully I just believe. I have faith.
In recent years it has become acceptable to 'bash Catholics' for the despicable crimes of some, a small minority, of Priests and Nuns in Catholic institutions throughout the World. I detest that everyone gets dragged down for this tiny portion of people. What they did was wrong and unacceptable and certainly is not condoned by the Church as a body of people. But what everyone seems to forget is that unacceptable crimes took place in other institutions, run by other groups of people. I'm not trying to say that anything is justifiable but the comedians who make these jokes should remember this. I can laugh along when comedians who were brought up in the faith slag it off, but when someone is just trying to get a cheap laugh by alienating people different to them (and this goes for anybody for who alienates whether anti-gay, racist or anti-religion). Self deprecation not alienation.
For me Catholicism is about inclusion and acceptance. Catholicism means universal. I have no ill feeling toward anyone regardless of religious background, skin colour, sexuality etc. I have a lot of friends who are homosexual and I have do not believe they will go to Hell. If God made them that way then why would this be a sin. At the same time I do not push my beliefs on other people. If they are not interested in Catholicism or Christianity or simply do not believe in God then whilst the topic may come up I will certainly not be ramming religion down their throat. This is why I get annoyed with people who do. I respect you regardless of belief system so why do people think that it is okay for them to tell me I'm 'backwards for believing'. And yes at the same time I am annoyed by 'extreme' Catholics and Christians who try and force others to share their views, especially on matter such as family planning and homosexuality.
I hope that this has been interesting and informative. Feel free to leave comments.
Religious people are often criticised for forsaking science and being backwards for believing in a higher power. My beliefs are based on the marrying of religion and science. For me there are too many coincidences and random chances for there to have not been a God to have started things off. I believe in the theory of evolution. I believe the Old Testament of the Bible is an allegory for the events which created life. It was written over two thousand years ago when people didn't have the solid facts of modern day science, which still does not have all the answers. That is not to say it is all allegorical. There are historical facts and scientific data for the various Kings and of course for the prophet Moses. The New Testament also has its flaws but as it was written by different people at different times there will still be facts. An once again there is historical evidence for Jesus being real.
Another part of my belief in God is the presence of religion or some form of belief in superior beings in a lot of cultures throughout history. The Ancient Egyptians, Romans, Mayans etc. all believed in powerful beings. And most cultures have some notion of an after-life.
But truthfully I just believe. I have faith.
In recent years it has become acceptable to 'bash Catholics' for the despicable crimes of some, a small minority, of Priests and Nuns in Catholic institutions throughout the World. I detest that everyone gets dragged down for this tiny portion of people. What they did was wrong and unacceptable and certainly is not condoned by the Church as a body of people. But what everyone seems to forget is that unacceptable crimes took place in other institutions, run by other groups of people. I'm not trying to say that anything is justifiable but the comedians who make these jokes should remember this. I can laugh along when comedians who were brought up in the faith slag it off, but when someone is just trying to get a cheap laugh by alienating people different to them (and this goes for anybody for who alienates whether anti-gay, racist or anti-religion). Self deprecation not alienation.
For me Catholicism is about inclusion and acceptance. Catholicism means universal. I have no ill feeling toward anyone regardless of religious background, skin colour, sexuality etc. I have a lot of friends who are homosexual and I have do not believe they will go to Hell. If God made them that way then why would this be a sin. At the same time I do not push my beliefs on other people. If they are not interested in Catholicism or Christianity or simply do not believe in God then whilst the topic may come up I will certainly not be ramming religion down their throat. This is why I get annoyed with people who do. I respect you regardless of belief system so why do people think that it is okay for them to tell me I'm 'backwards for believing'. And yes at the same time I am annoyed by 'extreme' Catholics and Christians who try and force others to share their views, especially on matter such as family planning and homosexuality.
I hope that this has been interesting and informative. Feel free to leave comments.
I love memories. I don't live in the past, I just enjoy the random memories that surface throughout time.
Like when Lauren got stolen by the Polish man called Roman who forced her to sing the Polish national anthem in the train station.
Or when Heather, Lauren and I pick-nicked outside of our closing school. We had a tartan rug and a baguette from Tesco. Heather had blue hair at the time and Lauren wore a stripy top.
I remember things from my early childhood.
From my holidays in China where the restaurants had tanks full of live animals for you to pick your dinner.
Watching Original series Batman because it was the only programme in English apart from the news and weather.
The holiday to Jordan where we toured the Roman ruins in Aquaba.
Of course there are bad memories...but the less said of them the better.
My memory used to be so good, so crystal clear.
Now I struggle to remember what happened yesterday...
I struggle to remember the details of things that happened...
And the past and present are slowly slipping out of my grasp and into the ever-increasing fog and buzz of my mind.
Like when Lauren got stolen by the Polish man called Roman who forced her to sing the Polish national anthem in the train station.
Or when Heather, Lauren and I pick-nicked outside of our closing school. We had a tartan rug and a baguette from Tesco. Heather had blue hair at the time and Lauren wore a stripy top.
I remember things from my early childhood.
From my holidays in China where the restaurants had tanks full of live animals for you to pick your dinner.
Watching Original series Batman because it was the only programme in English apart from the news and weather.
The holiday to Jordan where we toured the Roman ruins in Aquaba.
Of course there are bad memories...but the less said of them the better.
My memory used to be so good, so crystal clear.
Now I struggle to remember what happened yesterday...
I struggle to remember the details of things that happened...
And the past and present are slowly slipping out of my grasp and into the ever-increasing fog and buzz of my mind.
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