Day 6 - Favourite Sci-Fi TV show
Ah now this is more like it. I love my sci-fi, as I'm sure you all know.
My favourite show is the one that started it all for me. So that would be Star Trek, specifically TNG, Voyager and Enterprise.
Some of my earliest memories of watching TV are flashbacks to seeing TNG and Voyager on BBC2 after the Simpsons. I must have been about 3 or 4 but I remember just sitting watching the characters and the bright colours. I'm pretty sure I also used to have a recurring nightmare starring Tuvix...
As I was growing up I must have seen nearly all of the Next Generation and Voyager because after I got Sky TV and started watching from the beginning again I remember having seen the majority of episodes.
I don't remember when Star Trek stopped being on BBC2. The next memory I have of seeing any was when T4 started showing Enterprise. I remember seeing the title sequence and loving the progress of space travel/exploration into Jonathon Archer's Enterprise NX-01. My imagination was sparked and from then on I have always loved Sci-fi. I also think that I was enough of a child still that I hadn't formed a love for a programme for more than a few years and therefore was more accepting of Enterprise, which a lot of older fans hated.
Through High School Star Trek was a form of escapism from tedious classes and it allowed me to have something which was special to me. Only two of my friends liked Star Trek and one was because I made her watch it.
Whilst I won't ever become an astronaut, Star Trek has given me an everlasting love of space and the wonders of not only our own world but the possibilities that are out there.
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