Friday, March 09, 2012

Year Abroad: Highlights of the week (3-9 March)

So now that time has inevitably marched on and I am almost reaching single figure in terms of number of weeks until I stop at Santisima Trinidad I wanted to start highlighting the best little bits of every week so that I don’t forget.  And whilst not every week something huge and profound happens it’s that the little things that stay with you.

Saturday – went out for tapas with Meghan and Sarah.  We got two stamps on the ruta.  Los Arcos was pork in a dry fruit sauce, brilliant and the one in Burladero was ham on hard ochio bread.  Spoke to my kids and found out that band was back. 

Sunday – my Aunty Mary and mother sang down Skype to me.  Got to speak to my Aunty, not using email, for the first time since the Christmas holidays. 

Monday – drank one of my four cans of Irn-Bru.

Tuesday – People started jack hammering outside my bedroom window at half past 8 in the morning…they should be disposed of.  Gloria and I joked about how my second lesson is always better because I’ve listened to what she has said to the kids (I know nothing [John Snow] about art so the lessons tend to have a lot of the actual teacher doing work).
The afternoon lessons were funny as we teased Manuel about having a girlfriend.  Also one of the kids who used to never speak out has started to ever since I made him answer one question out loud…now his hand is up for everything
Band started back, or at least it did for me.  Martin welcomed me back with open arms and has said that he will burn a CD of the Christmas concert that I missed with Lupe singing.

Wednesday – Wednesdays are the dark days…we do not speak of them…not much happened. 

Thursday – had to take some my 5th year class alone because the teacher was doing an exam with the others.  We did a crossword, which they claimed was impossible until the actually started to read it, and two of the girls who hardly ever speak in English were getting very involved when it came to describing the people in the magazine.  I learned a little about the Duquessa de Alba and about some guy who is in trouble for calling the Andaluz people lazy.  The Communist boy was telling me that the Duquessa has a bad reputation that she doesn’t deserve, but that she pulls a lotof strange faces because she is old and ill…
Tapas in Pedrito’s.  Then Jenna, Dave and I went to Al-Bayyassa for another of the tapas especial – black pudding in a thin batter – basically like a black pudding Bhajya.  We chatted for a bit, Jenna and I are trying to plan a trip to the beach, and then she went home.  Dave and I went to Palacio Salcedo and had the migas.  We then had an hour long conversation ranging from US politics to where Dave had applied to for next year.

Friday – Didn’t have my 8.15!  Had fun with the Cell song with my 2nd years.  And then my last two classes were cancelled.
Band again and I found out that we have a concert next Saturday and that I get to play at least once during Semana Santa.  Fran (non-bilingual 3/4th year in Vandelvira) came in, sat down and said "hello" in English, I asked him "que tal?" he responded first in Spanish and then in English.  He had never done that before.  The he was laughing about how he was a brilliant bilingual.  Made me smile anyway. 

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